Welcome to Murphy's Landing Creekside & Lakefront Cabin & RV Resort RV Sites
We are striving to design our private property for your personal enjoyment while keeping the natural beauty and ruggedness that the property complements.
High standards of quality and cleanliness we strive to maintain for your satisfaction.
We would greatly appreciate your efforts in helping us maintain these high standards, so you and your families can enjoy your site and our surrounding property for years to come.
Thank you for your respect in this manner. Enjoy your stay! The Murphy’s
·Check Out time is 11:30 a.m.
Please RECYCLE – PUT in BAG attached to the Garbage Can and LEAVE at Your Site: Aluminum/tin, paper, plastic (no plastic bags), cardboard, glass, beverage containers - all clean - REFER TO NOTES BELOW
Keep all GARBAGE - in Garbage Can with Lid - Crows/Ravens will get into your Garbage so keep covered - we will Pick Up Your Garbage 1x week every Friday (or if overflowing before then - please email if require a pick up) - REFER TO NOTES BELOW
·NO SMOKING – while walking on the trails and in the bush. Please dispose of your cigarettes using an ashtrays, garbage cans and/or your fire pit – USE the Butt cans for your cigarettes located at the Beach
·DO NOT leave cigarette butts or any seed or nut shells on the property, beach, trails or site locations
NO SMOKING – while walking on the trails and in the bush. Please dispose of your cigarettes using an ashtrays and/or garbage cans– USE Butt cans for your cigarettes & seeds – VERY IMPORTANT to LEAVE Your Site & this Property FREE of Cigarette Butts !
·Be sure to roll down all umbrellas on the beach after use due to winds
·Any Visitors planning on spending the day with you & using the property – charges do apply – Parking for visitors will be specified.
This is a private well maintained beach - Please do not throw rocks into the Canal &/or dig big trenches, holes & spread rocks over the sand – if your children want to build sand castles etc. Please return the beach to its original state, Thank you NO PEEING in the POOL, Please!
DO NOT allow YOUR CHILDREN to PEEL Bark OFF Trees or Destroy anything on this Property !
Please No bikes on the Canal Beach, Lawns, Walking Trails – stick to the Roads and the Trail to Town
Please, instruct your children to respect the natural surroundings, animals and any property that is for your enjoyment. IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE &/OR EXCESSIVE CLEANING SERVICES ARE NEEDED A MINIMUM OF $50-$500 CHARGE OVER AND ABOVE All OTHER CHARGES WILL BE APPLIED TO YOUR CREDIT CARD
No Pellet Guns, Cap Guns or Water Balloons on this property
• NO Painting ROCKS and leaving them on this Property anywhere – Appreciate the Beauty of Nature
FAMILIES with Pets
Please clean up all messes – YOU are RESPONSIBLE for your Site – in the case of excess clean up charges will apply
use the lake and/or creek access for your pet and not the private natural pool
No Dogs are Allowed on Canal Beach! – “Bob’s Swimming Pool”
if your pet listens well, gets along well with people, other pets, and doesn't take off on you or chase animals/deer you may use a leash at your discretion
FIRE WOOD – It is mandatory that only our firewood be used.
We are encouraging Propane Fire Pits during more dryer seasons regardless of a lifted Fire Ban but
For YOUR Convenience - Firewood can be pre-ordered & delivered to your site prior to Your Arrival!
If you are needing any wood? Please advise how many boxes (boxes will NOT be delivered on weekends):
It is also available around the right site of the old office! Use the SIGN OUT sheet supplied -$8.00 per box – please bring your box back to the office at your earliest convenience - $20 Charge for missing Containers
FIRES – all fire rings are approximately 18” in diameter and must remain that size under the Fire Regulation Act. Any fires found to be larger will be fined. In addition no foreign wood is to be transported onto our property due insects/beetles etc. foreign to our area & property. Canal Beach fire pit is reserved for Cabin guests only.
·Be Aware of Fire Hazards – completely put your Fire out with water & watch the trees above and surrounding your site – if your site has a fire pit – or when using the shared fire pits
Dispose of oil, bacon grease etc into can or container to be placed in garbage – DO NOT pour on ground
Respect other Guests – Keep noises down past 11:00pm & RESPECT the family environment on the Beach
Idle Free – please don't leave your vehicle running longer than needed
Try not to disturb other guest when arriving late or leaving early
When conditions are Stormy & Windy – as a precaution you and/or your family should not walk into or near the dense forests on the property. Falling & flying debris from the trees can be hazardous. NO OPEN FIRES when WINDY
Internet Access: Lower Landing Sites, Cabins & Office HotSpot = Instructions & Password attached in Your Welcome Email
If you choose to dispose of any Garbage or Recycle – PLEASE adhere to these instructions:
GARGAGE Can in the Left Bin – is for Garbage ONLY no tables/chairs etc – CLOSE the LID after Yourself and DO NOT LEAVE GARBAGE outside of your Garbage Cans or the Crows will rip it apart
Carboard ONLY in the Middle Bin – PLEASE CRUSH IT
MIXED RECYCLE in the Right Bin – NO GLASS, NO PLASTIC BAGS – Please Follow these Attached Instructions
Garbage Pick Up is Every Friday.
Thank you for your cooperation
Bears & Wildlife ~ Around Nakusp & area, bears and other wildlife may be encountered
Most bears are simply traveling through the area and make every effort to avoid humans. Seeing a bear in our area is a memorable experience, but please respect and help protect our bears.
Their keen sense of smell can draw them to unattended food or improperly stored garbage. Please make every effort to store food and garbage in bear proof containers. There is little or no chance of correcting a food conditioned bear, and authorities are forced to destroy the bear when they become aggressive to towards humans.
Respect all bears. All bears can be dangerous. Never feed a bear. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, by not using bear proof containers or disposing of garbage properly. Feeding a bear creates a food conditioned bear. Be defensive - never surprise a bear. Make your presence known by talking loudly, clapping, singing or occasionally calling out. This is a benefit of hiking in a group.
Be alert. Look for signs of recent bear activity. These include droppings, tracks, evidence of digging, and claw or bite marks on trees.
Stay far away from bears. Never approach a bear. There is no guaranteed minimum safe distance from a bear - the further, the better.
Stay away from dead animals. Bears may attack to defend such food.
Hiking with pets is not recommended. It is best not to hike with dogs, as dogs can antagonize bears and cause an attack. An unleashed dog may bring a bear back to you.
Encountering bears. If spotted in the distance, do not approach the bear. Make a wide detour or leave the area immediately. If you are at close range, do not approach the bear. Remain calm, keep it in view. Avoid direct eye contact. Move away without running. In both instances report the bear sighting to other's you might cross paths with and resort staff.
What to do if a bear approaches? If the bear is standing up, it is usually trying to identify you. Talk softly so it knows what you are. If it is snapping its jaws, lowering its head, flattening its ears, growling or making 'woofing' signs, it is displaying aggression. Do not run unless you are very close to a secure place. Move away, keeping it in view. Avoid direct eye contact. Dropping your pack or an object may distract it to give you more time.